Some of us were seen as ‘Behind’- those who could afford Timberland boots, wear the coolest Nikes, looked cute or drove a car to school.
Then we had the average guys- students from middle-class families who did some ‘Behind’ things but were not that cool. Third, we had the ‘razz’ category- those who had no swag, no single drop of coolness, no expensive wears, no automobiles, no slick lines for the girls.
I dare say I belonged to the last category for most of my six years in secondary school.
I came from a low middle-class family and my parents (like heroes that they are) had to strain to pay the exorbitant school fees. I could not afford to buy new wears for school parties and the like, so I sometimes borrowed from my best friend back then. Thank you, Temitayo Taiwo
I was often the butt of jokes and mockery, as I had my face plastered with pimples and I was as black as a pot retrieved from the pit of hell. In issues of dating and ‘hustling’, I was as naive as they come. No girl was interested…and I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t have dated myself if I were those girls.
My inability to ‘blend’ with the popular crowd was frustrating and my self-esteem was at its lowest ebb. I managed to cover it up well by focusing on my poetry and smiling through the jests. A classmate, Oluwabunmi Femi-Akande once told me, ‘One thing I like about you is that no matter how much you are insulted, you keep smiling.’ But it was all a fačade.
I believed that I was that person the popular crowd told me I was- not good enough. And that taunting voice followed me for years, controlling my priorities, my time, my money, my emotions, my potential and my relationships…until I met Jesus. I became born again!
As I got closer to Him, my confidence sky-rocketed. His Word revealed to me that I am made for an awesome purpose, and all the gifts and attributes I need to achieve that are in me already!
I am now a totally different person, in all ramifications. And that’s Jesus at work.
Please listen to me, my friend. For too long, you have allowed the crowd to decide your opinion about yourself. Now, you subconsciously try to measure up to the standards they have set for you. That is not true life.
Your dressing, the way you spend money, the hard drugs and womanizing, the lies you tell about yourself, the sycophancy, living a fake life and borrowing to maintain that appearance…it has to stop NOW.
Think about it. Ask yourself ‘What am I doing today that is not really who I am but I do it because I don’t want to be an outcast to others?’ It has to stop NOW.
Now is the time to outgrow that nonsense.
And if you are yet to know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, accept Him NOW. He will do wonders in you, for you and through you. I love you and God bless you!