In this text we will write about three amazing recipes for a fruit salads that are rich with vitamins
that are necessary for our body in order for us to be healthy.  In a
preparation of a fruit salad, the taste isn’t the only thing that is
important, the appearance is important too.

 It’s important that the blade
with which you cut the fruit is sharp so you won’t crush the fruit
salads .

Exotic Salad !

You need:

– A quarter cup of lemon juice

– ½ cup sugar

– 2 bananas cut on pieces

– half pineapple cut into pieces

– ten smaller cleaned strawberries

-2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

– a 1/3 cup of coconut flour

– vanilla ice cream.


Mix lemon juice, water and sugar in the pot, warm it up to boiling,
stirring constantly until the sugar is melted, then remove the pot and
when it cools put it in the fridge.

Before serving it in the bowl, mix the fruit, sprinkle it with mint
and coconut flour and mix it easily. Put the salad into a serving bowl
and is then ready for consuming.

By Matex

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